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Unorthodox Gym Tips

Updated: Oct 11

These tips are weird, but they might help you. You don't need to be like everybody else when it comes to fitness.

Be weird.

Train at Home

The groceries have no idea what I'm capable of

Maybe you like exercise, but not the gym. Ever thought about that? I realized I enjoy training, just not at the gym.

I don't like it when people stare at me, make small talk, or try to teach me stuff. This happened to me at the gym a lot. I just wanted to do what I needed to do and get out. It was a mental burden.

You don't need much to train. I usually lift kettlebells and wear a plate carrier.

That's it. I lift the kettlebells and train for the largest grocery haul in history.

Hey, some people train for UFC belts, and some people train for groceries.

Train in a Pair of Jeans That Don't Fit

Man physique with 13% body fat
Haven't been 13% BF since...I don't even know.

"wHaT aRe yOu dIeTiNg fOr? tRyIn' tO fIt iNto A pAiR oF jEaNs oR sOmEtHiNG?"

Why, yes. Yes, I am.

Wear a pair of jeans that hardly fit while you train, once or twice a week, until they fit.

That's what I did with these jeans.

My love handles used to leak out the sides, and I could hardly button them closed.

Sometimes, the scale would say I gained weight, but the jeans would fit better, and it would ease the paranoia that I was regressing.

Work Out in Low Light

Low light accentuates any progress in your physique and may help keep you motivated.

physique man with 16% body fat
Kinda a cool pic right?

I discovered the low light thing by accident. I took my shirt off for a hot tub party, and many of my friends congratulated me on my fitness progress.

One of my "friends" literally said, "Yeah, but it's just good lighting in here."

So, I made it the name of my blog, LOL.

I have ADHD (more of a personality trait than an actual ailment IMO), and the low light also helps me focus on the spot-lit area where I am training.

This minimizes distractions in the room and helps keep me focused.

Take Lots of Pictures and Videos

Documentation is key. Along with tracking your weight and food, you should keep photo and video record of your progress. You can learn and see what things you are doing wrong.

Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy and begin to doubt yourself. Body composition is crazy complex, so it's important to have videos to compare if your weight doesn't change.

Maybe you gained some muscle, not fat.

It also helps teach you to love yourself. Nobody is going to love you more than you.

Get a Super Athletic Dog to Train with You

American black lab
"6K in elevation? When? I'm ready now, sir."

My dog, Noctis, is an absolute savage. He never says no to a strenuous workout or activity.

He never complains about elevation, miles, or anything at all. Whichever hike I pick, he is game.

He keeps up with me (or I keep up with him). He makes burning 1800 calories during a hike an enjoyable experience.

Noctis inspires me to get outside and off the sofa. The sofa makes me eat crunchy things. It's totally the sofa's fault.

He has been on some real "ass-kickers" as far as backpacking trips go. He always wants more, even when his legs won't allow it.

Branch Out

There are way more things you can do than bodybuilder-style workouts.

If you don't want to be a bodybuilder or enjoy those types of workouts, there are so many other things you can do to get off the sofa.

The great Stan Efferding says, "The best exercise is the exercise you enjoy doing," or something like that. If you enjoy it, you are likelier to keep doing it.

I discovered kettlebells and yoga in my thirties. That is way too long to have missed out. I freaking love yoga (or what I think is yoga) and kettlebells.

Maybe you want to put a brick in a backpack and ruck on a day hike so you can come home and eat a whole pizza.

Whatever the case, find the exercise you get excited about and start doing it!


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